Jumat, 15 Januari 2010

WISE WORDS By. Drs. H. M. Nurhadi Hanuri

By. Drs. H. M. Nurhadi Hanuri

1.Feelings are dangerous guides
Perasaan adalah pedoman yang berbahaya
2.The thought of working for nothing always give you a head-ache
Berpikir tanpa bekerja selamanya bikin sakit kepala
3.A great piece of work must take time, labour and patience
Suatu pekerjaan besar membutuhkan waktu, keuletan dan kesabaran
4.The longest day must have an end
Sepanjang panjangnya hari masih ada akhirnya
5.Shorten your journey with happiness and a smile
Ringkaskan perjalanan anda dengan senyum dan tawa
6.If you miss the train, it will be the beginning of all your trouble
Jika anda ketinggalan kereta api, mungkin merupakan permulaan segala kesusahan
7.Adventure is a good teacher, but experience is the best
Mengembara adalah guru yang baik, tetapi pengalaman adalah guru yang paling baik.
8.It’s better to speak little, and work a lot
Lebih baik sedikit bicara tetapi banyak kerja
9.A bird is know by its note, but man by his talk
Burung dikenal dari kicaunya, manusia dikenal dari kata-katanya
10.A bird in the hand is worth two in bush
Seekor burung di tangan lebih baik dari dua ekor di rimba
11.What is done in a hurry is seldome done well
Apa yang dikerjakan dengan tergesa-gesa jarang dikerjakan dengan baik
12.The day feel short for a busy man
Bagi mereka yang bekerja satu hari itu amat singkat
13.You should take an umbrella as a precaution
Sediakan paying sebelum hujan
14.Many a little make a mickle
Sedikit demi sedikit lama-lama menjadi bukit
15.He who sows will reap
Siapa menanam dialah yang mengetam
16.Kill two bird with one stone
Sekali merangkuh dayung dua tiga pulau terlampaui
17.I wish you a long life
Semoga anda panjang umur
18.Happiness can only be found in a mind free from all desires
Kebahagiaan hanya dapat dicapai apabila pikiran bebas dari segala keinginan
19.Happiness is increased not by the enlargement of the possessions, but of the heart
Kebahagiaan bertambah bukan karena bertambahnya harta kekayaan , tetapi karena hati.
20.One man’s fault is another man’s lesson
Kesalahan seseorang adalah pelajaran buat orang lain
21.We all make mistakes
Tidak ada orang yang tidak berbuat salah
22.He is poor in money, but rich in experience and friend
Walau miskin uang , tetapi dia kaya pengalaman dan handai tulan
23.When the cat is away the mice will play
Bila kucing sudah pergi tikus akan menari-nari
24.No gain without pain. Gain and pain will come by run
Tiada bahagia tanpa derita, Bahagia dan derita akan dating silih berganti
25.No venture no gain
Tanpa usaha tiada bahagia
26.Customs make all things easy
Ala bisa karena biasa
27.Learn while you are still young
Belajarlah selagi muda
28.One is never too old to learn
Orang tidak pernah terlalu tua untuk belajar


1.When one is in love he cannot think of anything else
Bila orang dimabuk asmara dia tidak bisa memikirkan hal yang lain
2.Desires are the father of thought
Keinginan adalah pangkal pemikiran
3.Generous behaviour is better than good looks or personal beauty
Budi yang luhur lebih baik dari pada rupa yang abgus atau kecantikan

Kamis, 14 Januari 2010

SALAT By. Drs. H. M. Nurhadi Hanuri

By. Drs. H. M. Nurhadi Hanuri

Salat is an important thing for Muslims. There are two kinds of salat. First is obligatory prayer and the second is Nafl prayer. Everyday, the obidiant muslims must offer prayer minimize five times. These are called obligatory salat.


Each salat must be offered at or during it proper time. No salat can be offered before its time. There five obligatory salat in a day.
a.Fajr Prayer ( salat subuh )
The time for the Fajr or the morning prayer starts at dawn and ends at sunrise.

b.Zuhr Payer ( salat Zuhur )
The time for zuhr or early afternoon prayer starts when the sun begins to decline from its zenith and ends when the size of an object’s shadow is equal to the size of the object.

c.Asr Prayer ( salat Asar)
The time for Asr or late afternoon prayer starts when the shadow of something is equal to itself and ends just before sunset.
It is better to offer Asr prayer before the sun becomes yellow because even though it is allowed to offer the prayer at this time the prophet (S.A.W) dislike Muslim to delay Asr prayer up to ths time. He remarked that the Munafiq (Hypocrite) offered his prayer at this time.

d.Maghrib Prayer (salat Maghrib)
The time for the Maghrib or the sunset prayer starts just after sunset and ends when twilight has disappeared

e.Isha Prayer ( salat Isha )
The time for Isha or night prayer starts from the disappearance of twilight and ends just before midnight.
It is preferable to offer this prayer before midnight but it can be offered right up to the break of dawn.

Note : In countries where due to cloudy weather the sun is not always visible it is
advisable to follow printed calendars giving the accurate time of each prayer.

Uqbah bin Amir said : “There were three times at which Allah’s messenger
(S.A.W) used to forbid us to pray or bury our dead.
1. When the sun began to rise until it was fully up
2. When the sun was at its height at midday til passed the
3. When the sun drew near to setting till it hat set.

1.Abu Sa’eed al Khudree (R.A) reported Allah’s messenger (S.A.W) as saying. “No
prayer is to be after the Fajr prayer until the sun rises, or after the Asr prayer until the sun sets. ( Bukhari and Muslim)
2.A nafl prayer can not be offered once the Iqamat for fard prayer has been said.
Abu Hurairah narrated that the messenger of Allah (S.A.W) said, “when the Iqamat
has been said, then, there is no prayer valid (nafl or sunnat) except the fard
prayer for which the Iqamat was said.” (Ahmad and Muslim)


A place or a building which is used for the purpose of worship and prayer is called a Masjid ( Mosque ). A hadith tells us that “All the earth has been rendered for the Muslims., a mosque (pure and clean).”
This means that wherever a muslim might be he can offer his paryer but the reward of a prayer offered in a mosque is far greater than that offered in ordinary place. The following points should be noted when choosing a place for prayer.

a.The place should be pure and clean. Salat in dirty , filthy and impure place such
as rubbish tip, slaughter hous, bathing place and a camel pen is forbidden.
b.The place should be free from danger. The danger could be due to someone or
something that may disturb the worship.
c.A prayer place where the worship might hinder movement of others should be
avoided. E.g. busy pavements, public roadways etc.
d.It is forbidden to pray on top or facing towards a grave.
e.It is forbidden to pray on the roof of Baitullah ( Ka’bah )


If Muslims offer the prayer they must wear dress which is required.
a.Dress for salat for Men
The dress for men should be such that it covers from navel to the knees at least.
The shoulders should not be left uncovered
Salat can be prayed in one garment if it covers the body from the navel to the knees as well as the shoulders

b.Dress for salat for Women
The dress of women should be such that it covers her whole body from head to foot leaving only the face and the hands uncovered. A prayer offered in transparent clothing is not valid. Also tight fitting clothing which shows the shape of the body should be avoided.


There are many types of salat . They are :
a.Fard or Obligatory Salat
Fard prayer is an obligatory prayer. Every believer is ordered by Allah to offer five obligatory prayers in a day. Failure to observe any one of the five obligatory prayers is a serious and punishable sin.

b.Nafl Prayer
This is a voluntary prayer which the prophet (S.A.W) observed before or after Fard at special and isolated occasions. It also includes those which he encouraged Muslim to pray.

After we know much about salat , Don’t forget to offer obligatory prayers in our life everyday minimize five times a day. Let’s keep our salat because by salat Allah swt will love us and we will be showed in right way so we will be safe in the world and hereafter.

Rabu, 13 Januari 2010


A phone call from the hospital

Simon asked me to come along with him to .the hospintal to see his wife. He told me that he had just got a phone call from the hospital.
The doctor said that his wife had ^iven birth to a child. He was so glad
that he soon went there and asked the nurse,
"How's my child ?"
"It's all right., Your child is a baby-boy"
replied the nurse,
"And how a bout the mother ?" Simon asked.
"In a yood condition, and she remains the same, a woman ! "


The Annual Meeting of the International Brotherhood of Space Scientists

It was the annual meeting of the International brotherhood of space scientists in 2009.
"We are preparing to send a rocket-to Pluto", announced the Americans proudly.
"It will have six men aboard and will stay on Pluto for a whole month
before making the long trip back to Earth"
"That's nothings" scoffed the Russians. "We dre almost ready to launch our spaceship
countaining two hundred men and women bo start the " first colony of Uranus"
"Our country can bear you both", Said the Irish scientist.
"We are going to send d rocket straight to the sun"
"Don't be silly;" said .he American and Russian scientists.
"The rocket will (iislfc before it gets there"
"No, it won't", replied the Irish.scientist.
"We're sending it up at night"


An ancient Japanese General

An ancient Japanese General and an old British Major were talking.
"Why do you always win battles, whereas we always seem to lose all our wars, except the economic ones?" asked the Japanese General.
"Because we dlwdys pray to God before we go into battle" replied the British Major.
"That's not so, because we also pray to God but we never win"
"Ah!" said the British Major, "but not everyone can understand Japanese"


A Country Yokel

A country yokel and a professor were in a train,
and as it was a long journey they eventually got to talking,
"Everytime you miss a riddle you give me a pound,
and everytime I miss one I give you a pound"
said the professor. When they had run out of the
usual things to talk about.
"Ah!, but you're better educated than me, so
I'll give you 50 pences (0,5 pound) and you can
give me a quid (1 pound)" suggested the yokel.
The professor agreed and the yokel made up the first riddle :
"When has three leys walking and two legs flying?"
The professor didn't know, so he gave" the yokel a pound.
The yokel didn't know either, so he gave the professor 50 pences.


A Truly Remarkable Parrot

Mrs, Green had a truly remarkable parrot and when
the vicar came to tea one afternoon she could not
resist demonstrating to him how clever her pet was.
"If you pull this little string on its left leg,
Polly will sing 'Abide Wide Me"" said Mrs.Green proudly.
"And if you pull the string on its right leg it will sing ' Onward
Christian Soldiers'"
"How wonderful!" exclaimed the vicar.
"And what happens if you pull both strings at ones'?"
"Simple!" replied the parrot. "I fall off my perch, you stupid old twit !"


Dr. Gilbert

Dr.Gilbert asked his patient before he decided to
perform a surgical operasion.
" What's your average Weight?"
" 1 don't know, Doctor"

" Well, what's the most you ever weighed in your life ?”
" 180 pounds" answered the patient.
" And what's the least you ever weighed in your life?"
" I don't know,, but my mother told me that I was six pounds
eight ounces."


THE Stupid Man

Mr. Knott was a teacher. He taught in a big school
in London, He lived a long way from the school, so
he was usually quite tired when he got home.At nine
o'clock one evening, when he was in bed, the
telephone bell rang in the hall of his small house,
so he went downstairs, picked up the telephone and
said,'This is Whitebridge 3165. Who's speaking,
'Watt, ' a man answered.
'What's your name, please?' said Mr. Knott.-
'Watt's my name,' was the answer.
'Yes, I asked you that. What's your name?'
Mr.Knott said again.
'I told you. Watt's my name,' said the other
man.'Are you Jack Smith?'
'No, I'm Knott,' answered Mr. Knott.
Will you give me your name, please?' said
'Will Knott,' answered Mr. Knott.
Both Mr. Watt and Mr. Will Knott put their
telephones down angrily and thought,'That was a
rude, stupid man!'


Three Slightly Deaf Ladies

Three slightly deaf ladies met on a street corner,.
and they got to talking.
"It's windy, isn't it?' said one of them.
The second heard 'Wednesday-', then she replied :
"No. it's Thursday"
the' third heard -thirsty- and ,_us ha^ce
she was thirsty.
"so am I. Let's all 90 and have a cup of tea
the third said.